Experience when you need it

About my business

I am Janet Lennon and I founded Business Simplifié following my 2021 relocation to France. I plan to build on the success established in my UK company, Laconic Insights, and have elected to pursue the same primary aim - to support businesses to become more effective. I understand that a clear focus and strong direction can reap great results, so can help to put plans in place that will help you to deliver.

With a multi-sector background - whether in entrepreneurial start-ups or international companies; working at executive level or with functional teams - I understand the challenges that businesses face. With a track record for achieving results, I go further than simply advising on the way forward. With the support of my network of like-minded professionals, I can work closely with your business to deliver strategies and programmes that will be positive to growth and change.

The clue is in the name - business simplified. I won’t waste time talking and will bring a pragmatic view to  any project or retained agreement, making the best use of our time together to make sure you get the most out of it.